Loving, Caring, Authentic

Recipes for Life

We offer inspirational real-life stories about PEOPLE OF FAITH AND COURAGE; menus and cooking directions meant to fuel your creative inclinations and your healthy body in the form of MUSINGS OF A MIDWESTERN FOODIE; and ADVICE FOR LIFE from the perspective of those who have lived it to maturity.

A Heavenly Pep Talk

It's a mundane Wednesday afternoon on an overcast November day. I sit over a half-eaten grilled ham and Swiss sandwich, munching a carrot stick and worrying about my state's decades long history of irresponsibly dispersing billions of tax payer dollars into the greedy hands of fraudsters representing fake charitable organizations. Fretting over recent health challenges. Calculating how far a fixed retirement income will stretch in times of raging inflation. Wondering if I will find companionship for my later years. Stewing over all the "what ifs" of a dear friend's illness.

In the midst of this contemplative whine, I'm moved to lift my eyes to the wall beyond the dining table. Here hangs a beautiful, framed needlepoint of the Last Supper, a long-ago gift from my talented sister-in-law. Through the fog of my discouragement, the peaceful face of Christ stares back at me, inspiring me to ask myself: What would Jesus say to me right now?

And this response floods my thoughts: Lighten up, kiddo. By dwelling on all this, you make things harder, more complicated than they need to be. And truly, none of your dramatic emoting is going to change anything.

Relax. Be patient. Trust me—Caretaker of childless widows and other orphans of society, of anyone in need, whatever their circumstances.

Remember from whence your strength derives. All the losses, the painful turmoil of recent years, have been soul-enriching, endurance-building training sessions. Now act from your strengths, don't sink into your weaknesses!

In that moment, I am buoyed with a new sense of confidence, emboldened to defy my fears and take action. Join a reputable think-tank study group. Double down on healthy living habits. Encourage others to unburden themselves, and compassionately honor their concerns. Play more pickle ball.

Watching this year's batch of holiday commercials, are you disheartened by the scandalous lures to lavish self-indulgence? Do you despair over the physical effects of aging, or the loss of contact with people dear to you? Do you shudder over the salacious rubbish that passes for entertainment in a world determined to reject God's moral directives?

Have you asked yourself lately, What would Jesus say to me right now?

I recommend trying that. It's a short exercise with incredible long-term rewards. Your answer will come in different words than mine, but you will undoubtedly benefit from the conversation.