Loving, Caring, Authentic

Recipes for Life

We offer inspirational real-life stories about PEOPLE OF FAITH AND COURAGE; menus and cooking directions meant to fuel your creative inclinations and your healthy body in the form of MUSINGS OF A MIDWESTERN FOODIE; and ADVICE FOR LIFE from the perspective of those who have lived it to maturity.

Posts in humor
Internet Games and Other Black Holes

Wordle. It's like that first spoonful of a turtle sundae: I sincerely wish that I could be satisfied with just a taste. But somehow that's never enough.

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Seeking Serenity in a Turbulent World

I went neighborhood bathing before breakfast today.

Before your eyebrows disappear into your hairline, this did not involve my playing Goldilocks with various neighbors' bathtubs. In fact, no shocking display of inappropriate behavior was involved. This early morning ritual of ambling the winding streets surrounding my townhouse cluster is simply my version of what trendy types call "forest bathing."

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My Year of Falling Apart

It all started with a broken tooth. I'd been wanting to replace it with an implant for some time. But once I made an appointment with the periodontist and recovered from the sticker shock, other maladies started sprouting like dandelions.

I moved last year. Stuff got postponed. When I finally got around to my overdue vision exam, it revealed lens-clouding cataracts. I had no idea. Two sessions of computer-guided lens replacement lifted the veil and I am now blessed with perfect distance vision. Miraculous.

Equipped with better eyesight, I notice that my left knee looks like a relief map of the Nile. Since the offensive bulging vein impedes my exercise efforts, I head to the vein specialist for a series of injections followed by two weeks in a compression stocking. Okay. No biggie.

Now, just as I am making appointments for the final incisor placement,

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